Khulna, Aug 02 (V7N) -  A mass rally organized by the anti-discrimination student movement in Khulna turned violent on Friday afternoon, resulting in clashes between students and police. The incident occurred near Khulna University and the Zero Point area, where tensions escalated rapidly.

The confrontation began after students, who were marching from Khulna New Market towards Gallamari intersection, faced police attempts to disperse them. Despite the rain and initial police obstruction, the students proceeded with their rally, advocating for their demands under the anti-discrimination banner.

The situation took a turn when police reportedly fired tear gas shells at the marching students. In response, the students threw bricks at the police, leading to a chaotic scene of chase and counter-chase on the streets. The clashes resulted in the temporary closure of nearby shops and disrupted traffic as vehicles were stopped in the vicinity.

Eyewitnesses reported that five to seven students were injured, allegedly due to the tear gas and rubber bullets used by the police. However, there has been no immediate confirmation or comment from the police regarding the injuries or their actions during the incident.

The rally, which started peacefully, was part of a larger series of protests organized by the student movement, demanding justice and equality. The violent confrontation in Khulna adds to the growing unrest and highlights the increasing tensions between students and law enforcement in various parts of Bangladesh.

The incident underscores the volatile atmosphere surrounding student protests and the challenges faced by the movement in peacefully expressing their demands amidst heightened security measures. The lack of an official police statement leaves many questions unanswered regarding the handling of the situation and the injuries sustained by the students.