Dhaka, Sept 8 (V7N): BNP Standing Committee member Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury emphasized unity among all Paharis and Bengalis, stating that the BNP does not tolerate terrorists or illegal occupants within its ranks.

Speaking at a relief distribution event in Khagrachhari on Saturday, Khasru urged both communities to collaborate as brothers, assuring that the BNP’s future governance would bring happiness to the people. "No terrorists or illegal occupants have room in the BNP. If the BNP returns to power, the people will be content," he said.

The event was organized by BNP's associate body, Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Swechhasebak Dal, and held at the Dighinala Chhato Merung High School grounds. During his address, Khasru also discussed the BNP’s vision for the future, saying the party's mission is to build a “New Bangladesh,” inspired by national hero Tarique Rahman, and to meet the aspirations of the younger generation.

The relief distribution ceremony was presided over by Swechhasebak Dal Central President SM Jilani, with speeches from BNP Khagrachari District President Wadud Bhuiyan and Swechhasebak Dal General Secretary Rajib Ahsan.

Following the ceremony, relief supplies were provided to 500 families affected by flooding in various parts of the upazila. On his return, Amir Khasru visited the home of Rabiul Islam, a local BNP leader who was allegedly killed by Awami League activists in Dighinala.