Kabul, August 21 — Afghanistan's Ministry of Ethics has dismissed more than 280 members of the country's security forces for failing to maintain beards, a requirement under the Taliban's strict interpretation of Islamic law. The officials revealed that the dismissals are part of broader efforts to enforce moral conduct within the country.

According to a report by Reuters, the Taliban government detained over 13,000 individuals in 2023 for various activities deemed immoral. Although nearly half of those detained were released within 24 hours, the crackdown highlights the regime's intensified focus on enforcing its interpretation of Islamic values.

Mohibullah Mokhlis, the director of the Ministry's planning and legal department, reported that last year, officials also destroyed 21,328 musical instruments as part of their moral enforcement efforts. Additionally, thousands of computer operators were prevented from selling pornographic movies in the market.

The Ministry of Ethics, which replaced the Ministry of Women after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 2021, continues to implement and enforce the Taliban's strict moral codes across the country. These actions have raised concerns among international observers regarding human rights and personal freedoms in Afghanistan under the current regime.