The prestigious Bangabandhu Cup International Kabaddi tournament's 4th edition is set to take place from May 26 to June 3 at Shaheed Suhrawardy Indoor Stadium in Mirpur, according to a press release. Named after Bangladesh's Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, this tournament has been a regular event since 2021, earning its place in the International Kabaddi Federation's calendar.
Hosted by Bangladesh, the tournament will feature eleven foreign teams from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Newcomers South Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Asian powerhouse Pakistan will join Poland, Kenya, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh in the competition.
DMP commissioner and tournament committee member secretary Habibur Rahman announced that Argentina, England, and Chinese Taipei won't participate this time, while the foreign teams are expected to arrive on May 23 and 24. Groupings and fixtures will be decided during the managers meeting on May 25.
BKF joint secretary and technical committee chairman Gazi Md. Mozammel Haque shared plans to make this edition colorful, marking the federation's fifty years of founding with a nationwide kabaddi festival. Previously, the tournament saw six teams in the first edition, eight in the second (2022), and twelve in the last edition (2023), all clinched by Bangladesh, led by skipper Tuhin Tarafdar.