PARIS, Aug 28 (V7N)- Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, is awaiting a decision on whether he will face charges following his arrest by French authorities at Le Bourget airport near Paris. Durov, 39, was detained late Saturday as part of an investigation into alleged failures to control extremist content on the messaging platform. His initial detention period has been extended, but it can last a maximum of 96 hours.
Durov's arrest stems from a probe that began on July 8, focusing on 12 alleged offenses, including fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and promoting terrorism. He had traveled to Paris from Baku, Azerbaijan, and was reportedly planning to have dinner in the city when he was apprehended.
French President **Emmanuel Macron** emphasized that Durov's arrest was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and not a political decision. In contrast, Kremlin spokesman **Dmitry Peskov** expressed concern over the seriousness of the charges and suggested that they could be an attempt to restrict communication freedoms.
Durov, who has built Telegram into a platform with over 900 million users, has been a controversial figure due to the app's reputation for hosting illegal content, including misinformation and illicit services. Despite this, Telegram has positioned itself as a neutral alternative to other social media platforms, advocating for user privacy and free speech.
As Durov's detention period comes to an end, the investigating magistrate will decide whether to release him, press charges, or impose restrictions on his movements. Support for Durov has emerged from various quarters, including tech entrepreneur **Elon Musk**, who has called for his release under the hashtag #FreePavel. Telegram has stated that Durov has "nothing to hide" and that the platform complies with EU laws regarding content moderation.