In a candid interview with American media outlet PBS, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky disclosed a critical shortage of missiles in Ukraine's air defense system, citing it as a contributing factor to the devastating Russian missile attack last week. The assault resulted in the destruction of the Trypilska Thermal Power Plant, the largest power facility in Kiev.

Zelensky's revelation comes amid repeated warnings from Ukraine's government regarding deficiencies in the country's air defense capabilities, particularly in the face of escalating Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure. According to Zelensky, while seven out of eleven incoming missiles were successfully intercepted, the remaining four struck the Trypilska plant due to a lack of available missiles for defense.

Although Reuters could not independently verify Zelensky's claim regarding the missile shortage, the Ukrainian president has consistently stressed the urgent need for bolstering Ukraine's defense capabilities. He warned that continued Russian aggression at the current pace could deplete Ukraine's missile defenses entirely.

The destruction of the Trypilska Thermal Power Plant on March 11 dealt a severe blow to Kiev's energy infrastructure. With a production capacity of 1,800 MW, the plant exceeded the city's energy requirements. While other facilities and imports have temporarily filled the gap, residents have called for enhanced protection of critical infrastructure.

Russia's intensified attacks on Ukraine's energy grid since mid-March, utilizing a combination of missiles and drones, have inflicted substantial damage. This marks the second major assault on Ukraine's energy system since the onset of the conflict in 2022, resulting in a significant loss of electricity generation capacity and transmission infrastructure.

Moscow has justified these attacks as retaliation for perceived reductions in Ukraine's military capabilities and recent incursions into Russian territory. Despite Ukraine's urgent appeals for additional air defense systems, Western allies have shown reluctance to provide substantial support. Ukraine has emphasized the need for at least 25 Patriot systems to safeguard the entire country from Russian missile threats, with Germany pledging to deliver an additional Patriot system following the Ukraine emergency.

The revelation of the missile shortage underscores Ukraine's precarious security situation and the challenges it faces in defending against Russian aggression.