April 26 marks International Women’s Peace Day, a significant occasion declared by the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) in 2019. This annual event serves as a festival of peace, uniting women globally in their dedication to achieving peace.

Over the years, International Women’s Peace Day has evolved into a cultural celebration of peace, fostering female solidarity and activism. In 2024, the 5th Commemoration of International Women’s Peace Day spanned a week, with 80 branches from 54 countries participating in 29 offline and online events. This day continues to gain momentum as an international festival of peace, empowering women to advocate for peace on a global scale.


International Women’s Peace Conference: Empowering Female Leaders for Global Peace

In addition to International Women’s Peace Day, IWPG’s peace cooperative organization, the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), hosts the International Women’s Peace Conference annually. This conference is held in conjunction with the Peace Summit, commemorating the proclamation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) since 2014.

The International Women’s Peace Conference serves as a platform for female leaders from diverse backgrounds to engage in practical discussions on advancing peace worldwide. Religious, political, and social leaders from across the globe are invited to Korea to participate in the Peace Summit, where IWPG plays a pivotal role in representing women’s perspectives and contributions to peacebuilding efforts.

In 2018, IWPG organized the World Former and Current First Ladies' Peace Forum, highlighting the importance of the DPCW to First Ladies worldwide. Through such initiatives, IWPG continues to empower female leaders and advocate for peace at all levels of society.



