Tensions between Ukraine and Russia reached a new peak as Ukraine carried out a devastating attack on an oil depot in Luhansk, controlled by Russia. The late-night assault on Tuesday (May 7) resulted in five reported injuries, according to Reuters.

Russia alleges that the fire engulfed the entire depot in the Kiev attack, leaving at least five individuals injured. Moscow further claims that the assault was executed using a missile system allegedly provided by the United States. However, Kiev has yet to respond to these allegations.

In a retaliatory move, Russia launched over 70 missile-drones across Ukraine overnight on Wednesday. Ukraine contends that Moscow initiated at least 50 missile strikes and 20 drone attacks, causing extensive damage. Among the casualties, at least 13 houses were damaged in missile strikes in the Kiev region, leading to injuries sustained by two civilians.

The escalation of hostilities between Ukraine and Russia raises concerns about the potential for further violence and destabilization in the region. International observers are closely monitoring the situation as tensions continue to simmer between the neighboring nations.