Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that Russia does not need to use nuclear weapons to achieve victory in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He made this assertion in response to a journalist's question during the International Economic Forum held in St. Petersburg. This information was reported by the South China Morning Post.

Putin addressed concerns about the potential use of nuclear weapons by Russia, emphasizing that such an action would only be considered if there were a direct threat to Russia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. "The use of nuclear weapons is possible only when there is a threat to Russia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. But I do not think that any such situation has arisen," Putin remarked.

Reiterating Russia's nuclear policy, Putin said, "We have a nuclear doctrine. See what it says! If anyone's actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we will use all means."

These comments come amid ongoing global concerns about the potential escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. Putin's statements are aimed at reassuring the international community that Russia does not intend to resort to nuclear weapons under the current circumstances.