Tangale, June 30 2024 — Six fishermen encountered bottles floating in the sea and, mistaking the contents for alcohol, consumed the unknown liquid. Tragically, four of them died shortly after, and the other two are in critical condition. This incident occurred 320 nautical miles off the southern coastal town of Tangale, Sri Lanka, as confirmed by British media outlet BBC.

The Sri Lankan Navy reported that the fishermen mistook the liquid in the bottles for alcohol. According to local media, the deceased fishermen had set out from Tangale on June 4 on a boat named Devon. After finding the bottles in the sea, they consumed the liquid and shared some with other fishermen in the area, who have since been informed of the danger.

Susantha Kahawatte, Director General of Sri Lanka's Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, stated that the navy is attempting to bring the affected fishermen back to shore. The critically ill fishermen are currently receiving treatment on the boat.

Sri Lankan authorities have launched an investigation to determine the nature of the liquid found in the bottles.