On Wednesday afternoon, February 28, via the Ghumdhum region known as Am Bagan, the pushback was made within Myanmar.

In Ghumdhum's mango garden area, Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) infiltrated and arrested two tribal families. Among them are two ladies and two children.

The four individuals were apprehended and sent back for entering Bangladesh illegally.

Mati (age 21), Kanti (16 months), Plabi (age 22), and Munsing Tong (1), They're a local of Maungdoo District, Madai Upazila, Myanmar.

Read More: 46 Rohingya held while trying to flee from a refugee camp in Ukhia

Due to the ongoing internal strife between certain rebel armed groups and the government-run forces of that nation, many of its inhabitants have been attempting to enter Bangladesh illegally.

During their attempts to enter from Myanmar, the Bangladesh Border Guard BGB, which is in charge of border control, returned numerous men and women to Myanmar strictly under its mandate. Additionally, the BGB members have been effective in stopping thousands of tribesmen from Myanmar from entering Bangladesh.
