Dhaka, Sep 28 (V7N): BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman emphasized on Saturday that the interim government, led by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, must work diligently to maintain the BNP's unwavering trust.

"We all recognize the necessity of an interim government to fill the gap left by the removal of dictatorship in Bangladesh. For clear reasons, we supported them then, and we continue to support them now. They must take up the challenge of ensuring that our trust remains intact," he stated.

Addressing a mass rally virtually, Tarique stressed that the interim government should clarify its assigned responsibilities and develop a clear roadmap to execute them effectively.

"While they may not be able to implement all the changes, it would also be unreasonable to expect them to take on tasks they cannot handle," he remarked.

Tarique highlighted that government decision-making, especially at the highest levels, must involve extreme caution to avoid any misunderstandings. He noted that running a government is a complex and delicate process, where even minor errors could erode trust and fracture the unity that is crucial for national strength.

"Even small mistakes can lead to major problems. We must remember that the poisonous influence of dictatorship, cultivated over a decade and a half, will not disappear easily," Tarique warned.

The Jhenidah District unit of BNP organized the rally at Payra Chattar, demanding justice for Rakib and Sabir, who were martyred during the recent movement for democracy restoration.

Tarique expressed concern over the interim government's perceived helplessness in the face of conspiracies orchestrated by a partisan administration left behind by Sheikh Hasina's rule. He warned that if this situation continues, minor crises could escalate into significant disasters, leaving the government with limited solutions.

Tarique reiterated that only an elected government can ensure foreign investment, international confidence, state stability, smooth business operations, public safety, and the continuity of development while addressing citizens' needs at the grassroots level.

Reflecting on the mass uprisings led by students and the public in July and August, Tarique described these movements as a new victory for the nation. However, he cautioned against attributing this success to a specific group, which could distort the historical record.

The BNP leader also called for recognizing the contributions of people from all sectors—political parties, students, housewives, and workers—in the ongoing fight against autocracy. He further emphasized the sacrifices made by millions of political activists who have suffered enforced disappearances, murders, legal persecution, and oppression over the past seventeen years.

“If we fail to honor these sacrifices, history will not forgive us,” Tarique concluded.