On the occasion of May Day, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader addressed a rally in front of the party's central office on Bangabandhu Avenue, touching on various political issues including the recent split within BNP.

Quader emphasized that Awami League does not desire the fragmentation of BNP, asserting, "Awami League does not want BNP to break up. But they are responsible for the breakup of the party." He pointed to internal divisions within BNP leadership as the root cause of the party's disunity.

Highlighting the lack of unity among BNP leaders, Quader remarked that there is no common ground among them, and they view each other as pawns of the government. He specifically mentioned BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and labeled acting chairman Tariq Rahman as a "remote control leader," indicating public disapproval of him.

Quader also criticized BNP leaders for consistently blaming Awami League for various issues, even trivial ones like weather conditions, while their own leaders have fled the country. He warned against the potential consequences of a BNP return to power, alleging, "BNP has the blood of Bengal's farmers on its hands. If they come back to power, they will shed blood in the country."

During the rally, Quader urged party workers to prioritize unity, emphasizing the detrimental effects of internal conflicts on the party's overall cohesion. Despite the scorching heat, the rally witnessed a significant turnout, with activists from various Awami League units gathering to participate in the event on Bangabandhu Avenue.

As political tensions continue to simmer, Quader's remarks underscore the ongoing political dynamics in Bangladesh, with both Awami League and BNP vying for support and positioning themselves ahead of upcoming elections.