"We're going to restore democracy to Bangladesh and install a people's government here"

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) senior leader Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan reiterated on Thursday, January 14, that his party will keep up street protests to bring back democracy and the right to vote.

The restoration of democracy is our battle. A peaceful, well-organized social structure is referred to as a democracy. He explained that this is the reason the fight to bring back democracy must, in theory, be organized and nonviolent.

The leader of the BNP, during a conversation, added that they will fight the government's firearms and bullets on the streets by conducting a methodical and nonviolent movement with the unarmed public.

We will thereby overthrow this government. Today is the day that we take this vow. He declared, "We're going to restore democracy to Bangladesh and install a people's government here."

Dr Moyeen began by saying that the BNP's strength is in its people. He added that with that strength, their party will overthrow the current, unlawful Baksal-II government, despite the regime's ability to use water cannons, tear gas, rifles, and other weapons.

The BNP organized a discussion program at the Bangladesh Institute of Engineers to commemorate party founder Ziaur Rahman's 88th birthday.

BNP standing committee member Dr Moyeen stated that his party does not practice logi-baitha (sticks-oars) politics. "Civilized people participate in BNP politics." This is how the BNP and Awami League differ from each other.

He asserted that there is no democracy in Bangladesh and stated that although it could take some time for them to succeed, they will not give up on their street campaign to restore democracy, the right of citizens to vote, and other rights.

Dr. Moyeen urged BNP leaders and members to continue the movement's forward motion, infused with Ziaur Rahman's ideals.
