Dhaka, Jun 7 (V7N)- Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Secretary-General, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, on Friday, (June 7) described the proposed national budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 as black-money-friendly, saying it will further widen corruption in the country.
In a scathing critique of the proposed national budget for the upcoming fiscal year, the Secretary-General of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, lambasted the government's priorities, accusing it of favoring black money interests over the welfare of the populace.
Addressing attendees at a seminar, Fakhrul contended that the budget not only facilitates the laundering of illicit funds but also perpetuates corruption and neglects the needs of ordinary citizens and laborers, failing to generate meaningful employment opportunities.
He dismissed the budget as unworthy of discussion, citing a poignant cartoon featured on the front page of the Daily Star as a more accurate portrayal of its implications. The cartoon, depicting a colossal elephant symbolizing government power, crushing the livelihoods of hardworking individuals, resonated with Fakhrul as a stark representation of the budget's impact on the masses.
Furthermore, Fakhrul criticized the allocation of substantial funds to unproductive sectors, which he asserted would only serve to exacerbate the misappropriation of public resources, rather than fostering genuine development and prosperity.
“Sonali Dal”, a panel of teachers of Bangladesh Agricultural University, arranged the program at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU), marking the 43rd death anniversary of former president and BNP founder Ziaur Rahman.
Fakhrul slammed the government for enhancing the tax on capital machinery in the proposed budget. “What is the meaning of increasing tax on capital machinery? The meaning is that there should be no industry and factory here as machinery cannot be imported.”
He said people are going through a very tough time due to a lack of employment and earning sources. “Those who used to do small business and work here in Dhaka city are now moving to the villages for a lack of jobs. But they’re also facing a terrible situation as there is no work there as well.
Fakhrul said the common people and farmers will not benefit as long as the current monstrous regime cannot be removed from power.
“This government is sustaining on lies. All statistics of this regime are false and fabricated. On which statistics will you make a plan? Benazir's (former IGP’s) corruption is everywhere now... Benazir is everywhere now,” the BNP leader said.
He called upon university teachers and the young generation to be active in awakening the country’s people to overcome the current awful situation of the country.