Dhaka, September 02 — The full investigation and justice process for the 2009 BDR (currently Border Guard Bangladesh or BGB) killings is set to commence soon, according to Home Affairs Adviser Md. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury. Speaking to reporters at the secretariat on Monday, the adviser affirmed the government's commitment to ensuring justice for the tragic incident.

"The current government is determined to uphold people's rights, good governance, and justice," said Chowdhury. "As the Home Affairs Adviser and a former member of the army, I, like many citizens, want to see justice for the BDR killings."

He further stated that the government would soon initiate a comprehensive investigation and legal proceedings to ensure that all those responsible are held accountable. The assurance comes as a response to ongoing public demand for a thorough investigation into the mutiny that took place in 2009, resulting in the deaths of numerous army officers and other personnel.

The BDR mutiny remains one of the darkest chapters in Bangladesh's history, with the loss of life and subsequent trials sparking nationwide concern and a call for justice. The upcoming investigation is expected to be detailed and rigorous, aiming to address any remaining gaps in the initial inquiries and to bring closure to the families affected by the tragedy.

The Home Affairs Adviser's remarks have been welcomed by various stakeholders, including families of the victims, human rights organisations, and citizens who have long awaited justice for the horrific events that unfolded over a decade ago.