Jhalokathi, Jan 11 (V7N) In a decisive move against environmental violations, the Nalchiti Upazila administration has dismantled an illegal brick kiln in Baraikaran, Kulkathi Union, slapping a hefty fine of 3 lakh taka on the operation.

The raid was conducted on Saturday (January 11) at KTC Bricks, led by Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) and Executive Magistrate Md. Nazrul Islam.

The brick kiln was caught illegally burning bricks on agricultural land, directly violating environmental laws. Lokman Hawlader, the kiln’s manager, was fined 3 lakh taka with a three-month jail sentence pending if the fine remains unpaid. Additionally, the fire service was deployed to destroy raw bricks on-site, signaling a strong stance against such illicit activities.

"Running a brick kiln without proper licensing or environmental clearance is a serious offense," warned UNO Md. Nazrul Islam. "Our operations against illegal brick kilns will continue relentlessly."

One worker was detained during the operation.

Ongoing surveillance will ensure stricter environmental protection.