During a heated session in the House of Commons on Tuesday, Canada's opposition leader Pierre Poilivere was ejected from parliament after referring to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a 'lunatic'. The incident, reported by Reuters on Wednesday, unfolded amidst escalating tensions between political rivals.

The exchange occurred when Trudeau questioned the policies of the opposition leader during his address in the House of Commons. In response, Poilivere used the term 'crazy' to describe the prime minister, prompting Speaker Greg Fergus to intervene.

Speaker Fergus deemed Poilivere's remarks as unparliamentary and unacceptable, urging him to withdraw the statement. However, Poilivere refused and reiterated his criticism using alternative terms. This defiance led to Speaker Fergus ordering Poilivere to leave the House for the remainder of the day's session.

Following the expulsion, Poilivere and several lawmakers from his party exited the session, signaling a tense atmosphere in Canadian politics. The incident underscores the deepening divide between the ruling Liberal government and the opposition Conservatives, with elections looming on the horizon.

Poilivere's strained relationship with Trudeau has been evident, with the prime minister previously labeling him as an extremist and linking him to far-right movements. The Conservatives, led by Poilivere, have consistently criticized the Liberal government's policies, particularly regarding issues such as carbon tax and inflation.

As Canada gears up for its next election scheduled for late October 2025, opinion polls indicate a potential victory for the Conservatives. However, the recent parliamentary clash highlights the intense political rivalry shaping the country's landscape.