While in power he had regular in too media. Even though he is no longer among us as a president, his name is associated with numerous contentious events. The likelihood that the much-discussed Donald Trump will win the president again is growing.

Donald Trump will be the President of the United States once more, barring an unexpected and spectacular event. According to public opinion polls, this Republican leader is leading.

The previous time, Joe Biden defeated the Democratic candidate. This time, Biden is Trump's opponent. But according to polls, Biden's standing with Americans has declined since taking office. However, in contrast to the lawsuits and other scandals, Trump's popularity has grown. According to the most recent Reuters survey, the majority of Americans support Trump's candidacy for president again.

40 percent of the 1,250 Americans surveyed over the course of three days favored Trump. Additionally, 34% of voters supported Biden. Though it was a tight race, Trump leads in a number of other recent surveys. According to the most recent surveys, the former president is growing in popularity as the election draws near.

Biden wasn't an awful president, according to a US citizen. However, I believe that at the end of the year, my financial situation was better than it is now, when the Republicans were in charge. One more voter, a woman, declared, "I want Trump to win again." because he accomplished a great deal of good work while serving as president. There is no president more qualified than him.

The US government's ongoing support of Israel's occupation of Gaza has angered a lot of Americans. In addition, not only is Ukraine failing to defeat Russia on the battlefield, but diplomatic pressure from the US has also failed to exert any influence on Moscow. Analysts claim that these factors are the reasons why Joe Biden is losing popularity.

The United States has been the most negatively impacted by the flood of undocumented immigrants during the current Democratic administration. Thus, the public is becoming more supportive of Trump's stance of tougher immigration policy despite the numerous challenges and disputes.

Still, at least 67 percent of Americans do not want to see two candidates competing for votes: Trump and Biden, Pravin. However, even in the absence of an alternative, the majority of them will still take part in the polls. The percentage of Americans who do not want to vote for either of the two is only 18%.