Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh stated on Friday that commerce and investment, food security, tourism, energy, public health, and ICT are areas where Bangladesh and Thailand may expand their collaboration.
"Trade and investment, food security, tourism, public health, energy, ICT, people-to-people contacts and connectivity, and also under the BIMSTEC, are areas where I firmly believe we have the opportunity to strengthen our cooperation," the politician stated.
At her Thai colleague Srethha Thavisin's office, Government House, located in Bangkok, the premier was giving a speech at an official luncheon.
A bilateral meeting was held there after the two leaders had a 15-minute one-on-one meeting and led their respective sides there.
Together with a letter of intent (LOI), two prime ministers signed five bilateral documents: an agreement, three memorandums of understanding (MoU), and this letter.
As her immediate neighbour, Thailand is a relationship that Bangladesh values highly, Hasina stated at the luncheon.
The historical, linguistic, and shared cultural backgrounds of our connection are fundamental. Connectivity, commerce and investment, sustainable development, and people-to-people interactions are just a few of the many sectors of collaboration where our two friendly countries' warm and friendly connections are steadily expanding," she continued.
Bangladesh's prime minister stated that she had a lengthy conversation with Prime Minister Thavisin about subjects of mutual interest on both the bilateral and regional fronts.

We decided to do all in our power to improve bilateral commerce and promote more exchanges between the two nations' public and commercial sectors. The promotion and facilitation of bilateral investments must also be our top priority, she stated.

According to her, Dhaka and Bangkok inked an agreement and memorandums of understanding on Friday that would offer a strong foundation for strengthening their bilateral relations.

The visit, according to her, is a part of a larger emphasis on the "neighbourhood" strategy, which has given the two nations a great chance to further spark fresh life into their bilateral ties.

"I am sure that this visit will contribute significantly to strengthening our bilateral relations," she remarked.

The prime minister expressed her strong conviction that this visit will provide the bilateral ties the much-needed boost to reach their maximum potential.

"Our bilateral relations will always mark this official visit as a significant occasion." With it, our two nations have entered a new phase of productive relationship. For our peoples' and nations' mutual benefit in the days to come, we must maintain the fresh impetus in our partnership, she stated.

Those in attendance at the luncheon were Bangbandhu's youngest daughter, Sheikh Hasina's sister, Sheikh Rehana, and his grandson, Radwan Mujib Siddiq.
