After attending the two-day 3rd South Summit, which concluded in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, on Monday, Foreign Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud is expected to return home on Tuesday.

Bangladesh's delegation to the third South Summit was led by the foreign minister, who also made a statement for the country.

After the Summit concludes on Monday, Hasan Mahmud is expected to depart for Dhaka.

After returning from Uganda's hosted 19th NAM Summit and third South Summit, the foreign minister will brief the media on Tuesday afternoon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Along with leading the Bangladeshi delegation to the 19th NAM Summit, he made four days of visits.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he held 16 bilateral meetings, including ones with the UN Secretary General, the Indian Foreign Minister, and the Palestinian Foreign Minister.

The Group of 77's highest decision-making body is the South Summit.

Attending the summit were heads of United Nations organizations as well as high-ranking delegates from about 100 nations.

"Leaving No One Behind" was the theme of the summit.

In the comments presented by the member-States stressed trade, investment, sustainable development, climate change, poverty reduction, and the digital economy in strengthening South-South Cooperation and partnership.

In order to accomplish the ultimate objectives of sustainable development, the member states—including Bangladesh—called for complementarity, unity, and solidarity in the South.

The Group of 77 member states as well as China approved the outcome document.

Uganda became the new Chairman of the Group of 77 and China after Cuba gave it to them during this summit.

For the upcoming year, China and the Group of 77 will be chaired by Uganda.
