Tel Aviv, Sep 15 (V7N) – Despite months of destruction and relentless military action in Gaza, the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to achieve its stated objectives, including the elimination of Hamas and the return of Israeli prisoners. Growing frustration over the conflict’s prolonged duration and lack of success has sparked mass protests across Israel.

Thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets, calling for a ceasefire and demanding the immediate release of prisoners held by Hamas in Gaza. On Sunday, Qatar-based media outlet Al Jazeera reported large-scale demonstrations, where protesters gathered in front of army headquarters and government buildings, expressing anger at Netanyahu’s approach to the conflict.

The discontent intensified after the recovery of six prisoners’ bodies from Gaza over the past two weeks. Last week's protests saw hundreds of thousands of demonstrators calling for a deal with Hamas to release around 100 hostages reportedly held in various locations throughout Gaza.

Protesters, including the families of captured Israeli soldiers and civilians, accuse Netanyahu of neglecting efforts to bring the prisoners back. Many allege that Netanyahu is unwilling to negotiate a ceasefire to maintain his grip on power. Yotam Cohen, brother of Nimrod Cohen, a soldier captured in Gaza, voiced his frustration: “As long as Netanyahu is in power, this war will continue indefinitely, and there will be no ceasefire agreement. Netanyahu must be removed to save the prisoners’ lives.”

These sentiments have been echoed by other protesters, with widespread disillusionment over the government’s inaction. Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut reported from Amman that Israeli citizens are increasingly frustrated with Netanyahu's refusal to engage in negotiations for the prisoners' release.

Since the onset of Israel's military campaign against Hamas on October 7, 2023, more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed, and Israel has failed to rescue most of the hostages held by the militant group. The sustained bombing campaign has devastated Gaza’s infrastructure, leaving thousands of buildings, hospitals, schools, and places of worship in ruins. Over two million Palestinians have been displaced as a result of the ongoing conflict.

While Netanyahu remains defiant in his commitment to continue the military operation, mounting public pressure and the increasingly vocal criticism of his leadership could mark a turning point in Israel's internal political landscape.