On Wednesday, Turkey's highly anticipated fifth-generation fighter jet, dubbed 'KAAN' meaning 'king of kings' in Turkish, officially soared into the skies from an airfield in Ankara, marking a significant milestone in the country's defense capabilities.

Although the successful test flight of this advanced fighter jet occurred last year, its first official flight comes after undergoing further system upgrades and extensive rehearsals.

Measuring 69 feet in length, the 'KAAN' fighter jet boasts impressive speed capabilities, capable of flying at speeds surpassing the sound barrier multiple times over. Powered by two engines, it can reach speeds of up to 2,000 kilometers per hour while maintaining stealth capabilities, making it difficult to detect by radar.

Equipped with formidable armament capabilities, the 'KAAN' fighter jet can launch both air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, as well as carry various types of guided bombs, including laser-guided and bunker-busting bombs.

Turkey's pursuit of fifth-generation fighter jets initially led to an agreement with the United States for the acquisition of the American stealth F-35 fighter jets, accompanied by substantial investments. However, uncertainties arose due to Turkey's purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense system.

In response to these challenges, Turkey has prioritized the development of its own fifth-generation warplanes using indigenous technology, joining the ranks of countries like the US, China, and Russia in possessing such advanced aerial capabilities.