Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has issued a stark warning, expressing concerns that if Israel prevails in its conflict with the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip, it may turn its sights towards Turkey. Erdogan made these remarks during a meeting with members of a parliamentary party in Ankara on Wednesday, citing fears of Israeli expansionism beyond Gaza.

Erdogan cautioned against underestimating Israel's ambitions, stating, "Don't think that Israel will stop in Gaza. If they are not stopped, this terrorist and rogue government will look to Anatolia today or tomorrow." The term "Anatolia" refers to the greater Turkish peninsula, which constitutes most of modern-day Turkey, known as "Anadolu" in Turkish.

Asserting Turkey's solidarity with Hamas, Erdogan vowed to stand by the Palestinian resistance, framing their struggle as one for homeland independence while emphasizing the significance of protecting Anatolia from potential external threats.

In a display of support for Palestine, Erdogan disclosed that over 1,000 members of Hamas are currently receiving medical treatment in Turkish hospitals amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Additionally, he recently met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul, reiterating Turkey's unwavering backing for the Palestinian cause.

The escalation of tensions between Turkey and Israel dates back to October 7 of the previous year when Hamas launched a significant military operation in Israel, triggering retaliatory airstrikes and ground attacks on Gaza by Israeli forces. The resulting casualties, including over 40,000 Palestinians killed, have strained relations between Tel Aviv and Ankara.

Despite maintaining diplomatic ties with Israel, Turkey has taken decisive measures against what it perceives as occupier actions. The Erdogan government suspended commercial relations with Israel, signaling its condemnation of the Gaza massacre and its commitment to supporting Palestinian sovereignty.

As Erdogan's warnings underscore the potential ramifications of the Gaza conflict for regional stability, the international community closely monitors developments, hoping for a resolution that prioritizes peace and justice in the region.