He expects that the US would uphold its promise and impose visa restrictions on those who wish to obstruct ele...
High-quality journalism is at risk because of the defendants' AI models, according to the lawsuit
"We demand that the populace reject and abstain from a stage-managed mock election"
"Bangladesh's Tigers overcame a formidable goal of 135 in Napier to secure a historic five-wicket victory".
Air pollution kills an estimated 7 million people worldwide every year: WHO
"We can guarantee with 100% certainty that whatever questions pointed out regarding the election and voting on...
10 Things You Must See in Bollywood in 2024
The electorate has already rejected the unfair election and plans to abstain from voting altogether: Nazrul Is...
To combat acts of sabotage, Bangladesh Railway has stepped up security at 20 high-risk locations in the Natore...
"This boat developed your living standard and gave you independence.": Sheikh Hasina
"We're going through a trying moment the catastrophe is engulfing the entire world"
Rather than noting his work in government service, he listed "business" as his profession on his nomination do...
SELECT postpaid package from Banglalink, customers may avoid the hassle of frequent top-ups by paying their bi...
As per the air quality index, Dhaka's air was deemed'very unhealthy' around 9:15 am on Tuesday, December 26th,...
After the crew and passengers boarded the aircraft, Associated Press reporters outside the Vatry Airport in Ch...
"The vote-robber regime has been applying an inhumane way of torture to compel helpless voters to go to the po...
'Do not grow used to misery' in Gaza is Salah's Christmas message
Due to anomalies in Rodrigues' election from the previous year, a Rio de Janeiro court dismissed him from offi...
The lead designer of the electric vehicle manufacturer stated on Thursday that the Cybertruck's angular, divis...
The prize was given in recognition of his exceptional contributions to Bangladeshi journalism