Khulna, July 28- This is the first time in Bangladesh that Betagram Eighteen Mile Majumdar Smart Raw and Cooked Goods of Chuknagar, Khulna has started its operations.  Lands Minister Narayan Chandra Chand inaugurated the Smart Raw and Ripe Market today (Sunday) morning.

In the speech of the chief guest at the inauguration ceremony, the land minister said that this is the first smart raw market to be built in Bangladesh, which is a timely step.  The sale of these raw materials will create employment opportunities for many people.  It will bring benefits to the farmers in the area and all the people will benefit.  Which will contribute to the economic development of the country.  Chuknagar in Khulna is the business center.  This region is the leading point of Bangladesh in vegetable cultivation, fisheries and cattle production.  The government is working in various ways to promote business for businessmen.  If the government's projects are implemented, the country will transform into a developed state before 2041.  The minister called on everyone to work together regardless of party affiliation for the sake of development.

Dumuria Upazila Parishad raw material traders and others were present in the event.