Gmail is primarily known for sending and receiving emails, but it offers a host of other features that can enhance your email experience. Here are some lesser-known advantages of using Gmail:

1. Swipe Facility

In the Gmail app on smartphones, you can swipe emails to archive, delete, mark as read or unread. By default, swiping left or right archives the email, but you can customize these actions:

  • Go to Settings in the Gmail app.
  • Select General Settings and then Swipe Actions.
  • Choose Change to access options like Archive, Delete, Mark as Read/Unread, Move to, Snooze, or None.

2. Confidential Mode

Send secure emails using Gmail's Confidential Mode, which prevents recipients from taking screenshots, downloading, or forwarding the email:

  • Click on Compose.
  • Write your email and click the padlock clock icon at the bottom.
  • Set an expiration date and click Send.

3. Scheduled Email

Use Gmail's scheduling feature to send emails at a specific time:

  • Click Compose.
  • After writing your email, click the arrow next to Send.
  • Select Schedule Send and choose a preset time or set your own.

4. Advanced Search

Easily find specific emails using Gmail's advanced search filters:

  • Enter your search term in the Gmail search box.
  • Use filters like attachments, date, and more to narrow down your search results.

5. Keyboard Shortcuts

Gmail can be navigated quickly using keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C: Compose email
  • Ctrl + Enter: Send email
  • Ctrl + Shift + C: Add CC to an email

These features can help you manage your emails more efficiently and securely, making the most out of your Gmail account.