The Ministry of Home Affairs has proposed the compulsory retirement of Golam Saklain, former Additional Deputy Commissioner of the Detective Branch (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP). On June 13, the ministry sought the opinion of the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC) regarding this action.

According to a letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs to the PSC, it was alleged that Saklain stayed at actress Pori Moni's residence and she reciprocally stayed at his house in his wife's absence.

On August 7, 2021, Saklain was removed from his position in the Gulshan Division of DB following allegations of unprofessional behavior with Pori Moni during an investigation. Media reports suggested that Saklain had improper interactions with Pori Moni while handling her case filed on June 13, 2021, against businessman Nasir U Mahmud and four others for rape allegations.

Subsequent social media videos showed Saklain and Pori Moni together, further complicating his professional standing.